Sunday, April 29, 2007


Pimples disappear without leaving scars when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Even very persistent form of acne, suffered by some adults, has also been healed with garlic. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots, pimples and boils. The process is further helped by taking the garlic orally also, to purify the blood stream so as to secure long-term clearance of the skin.
A regular course of 3 garlic capsules per day should help to clear minor skin infections quickly.
High blood pressure
Garlic is regarded as one of the most effective remedies to lower blood pressure. The pressure and tension are reduced because it has the power to ease the spasm of the small arteries. It also slows the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving dizziness, shortness of breath and the formation of gas within the digestive track.
The average dosage of 2 or 3 capsules a day make a dent in blood pressure.
Three cloves of garlic boiled in milk, can be used every night with excellent results in asthma. A pod of garlic is peeled, macerated and boiled in 120 ml of pure malt-vinegar. After cooling, it is strained and an equal quantity of honey is mixed and preserved in a clean bottle. One or two teaspoons of this syrup taken with a fenugreek decoction once in the evening and before retiring, has been found effective in reducing the severity of asthmatic attacks.
Rheumatic affliction
In Russia, Britain and Japan, garlic is used extensively in the treatment of rheumatism and associated diseases. Garlic has been shown to exhibit an anti-inflammatory property which could account for its effectiveness in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. The most popular method is to take the garlic cloves orally, although some reports indicate that pain can also be relieved by locally rubbing the affected parts with cloves of cut garlic.
Garlic oil is rapidly absorbed through the skin and into the blood stream and quickly reaches the affected areas.
Chest diseases
Garlic has proved to be highly effective in certain diseases of the chest. It has been found to reduce foetidity of the breath in pulmonary gangrene. Dr McDuffie advocated the use of garlic in tuberculosis of the lungs, Dr F W Crosman once said that if garlic were given in sufficient quantities, it was a marvellous remedy in the treatment of pneumonia.
Used for many years in pneumonia, garlic never failed to bring down the temperature, as well as the pulse and respiration, within 48 hours. Garlic can also be applied externally to the chest with beneficial results as it is an irritant and rubefacent. In ayurveda, a decoction of garlic boiled in milk is considered a wonderful drug for tuberculosis.
One gram of garlic, 240 ml of milk and 1 litre of water are boiled together till only one fourth of the decoction remains. It should be taken thrice in the day.
Garlic preparations, including extracts and juices, have been used successfully against cancer in both animal and human studies, says Dr Paavo Airola, a naturopathic physician and nutritionist.
Garlic is considered an excellent remedy for diphtheria. Its constant application by chewing a clove of garlic removes the membranes, reduces temperature and relieves the patient. About 30 or 60 gms of garlic can be used in this way in 3 or 4 hours for a week. After the membrane disappears, the same quantity of garlic should be chewed daily.
The diphtheric patient has no taste or smell and merely finds the garlic hot

Courtesy: Internet.

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